Friday, November 10, 2006

Art Show This Thursday

Hey there, fellow Radishals!

I know it has been a crazy few weeks, with a lot of us involved in the campaigns of various canidates and causes. (No more Rumsfeld!) Hopefully everyone has had time to recoup from the election frenzy.

But that was all off topic, because this is just a reminder that you guys should all come down here next Thursday for the Art/Fashion show. There are going to be two local artists work, as well as fashion from Vintage Vice Boutique. The proceeds are going to help support the radish in its mission to save the world.

So, encase you weren't paying attention to the last couple email/blog updates, Its happening on November 16th, at 7 pm. Vintage Vice Boutique and Wicad Imagery Studio (Sara and Jesse Cox) will be here showing their work, and we're going to have some local musicians (Patrick Houtz, Midge Potts, and Mark Staudte) performing to keep everyone entertained.

There are also going to be some items up for silent auction, with proceeds going towards keeping our humble little infoshop open. If you would like to have some of your work put up for auction, or if you have any other fundraising ideas, drop us a line or come to a schmeeting (schmeetings are held every other Tuesday at 7pm; the next one is on the 21st).

We also have been hosting Open-Mic nights (the next one is on the 17th at 7pm, if anyone is interested). If anyone has other events, bands, workshops, etc... that they would like to plan, feel free to contact us, as we are always open to new ideas.

Keep up the revolutionary dreams and ideals,

-Amber & Justin

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