Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Relocation Activation

The Radish is preparing for another hiatus. We gave it our all, but our current location isn't working for us as we'd hoped, so we're packing up for storage while we search for a better location.

The last Potluck is this Thursday, so come one come all, and exchange information with the Radishals that you don't want to loose contact with while we search for a new spot. There will be a schmeeting during the potluck to determine where we're going from here.

Sorting and packing are the order of the day, and our current needs are as follows;
Use of a truck or other transportation
Storage Space

Friday will be another schmeeting (if we didn't get it all taken care of on Thursday), and the packing & moving party. Come and help us sort, pack, and empty the Radish house of all the things that made it radishal.

There is a lot of thinning going on, and a lot of our things will be going out to the community, so come to the Really Really Free Market this Saturday from 11am-7pm and take a piece of The Radish home with you!

Want to take a part of the community garden home with you as well? We will have trowels and a shovel on loan, and Radish pots available for a small donation, or bring your own.

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