Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Urgent Community Freedom Opinion Poll

The Springfield News-Leader is hosting a survey today, in regards to the happenings at Sunday's Springfield Gay Pride fest.

The wording of the survey makes it sound rather ambiguous, especially if one reads the article in the opinion section first.

While many may think they are asking if Springfield needs a gay pride festival, Christians on the streets praying for others, or neo-nazis, the actual meaning of the poll is to ask if Springfield needs to encourage and allow free speech, and peaceful protests.

There will likely be a good many people in our area who misinterpret the meaning of the poll and say that we do not need gay pride festivals or hate groups, but we need to make it clear that freedom of speech in our town is a vital and important right, and that we must retain all of our rights of expression in our town, and everywhere.

Anyone can vote in the poll, regardless of where you live, so go and vote yes on the poll. If you vote to maintain freedom away from were you live, you will be more likely to retain those freedoms at home as well.

You can vote multiple times if you use all of the browsers installed on your computer seperately to load the page and vote. Each different browser form the same computer counts as an additional vote. If you ave multiple computers, use them too. By voting multiple times, you are ensuring that you are preventing those who misunderstood the question from having a negative impact on our community, and their own freedoms.

Vote yes to freedom of expression and freedom of speech! You will find the poll midway down the page in the center column, slightly to the right.

The original article about the Pride fest is here

Yours in Solidarity,
-Another Radishal Individual

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