Monday, August 21, 2006

First Annual Culturefest at Missouri State

Dearest Radishals,

Our table at the MSU Culturefest is falling into place. Our emphasis is going to be on counterculture publications & alternative publications. We are taking a table worth of duplicated zines, along with Radish fliers & event fliers. If any of you have zines or other lit that you would like to have distributed, we would be happy to take some down with us.

There are several things that we need to make this a success.

We need funds to make copies of Radish fliers to distribute. The best way that we've found is by recycling old printer cartridges. If you have any around we can take them to Staples & get $3 of copies free for each of them. Just bring them into the Radish & tell the volunteer that they are for the MSU Culturefest fliers. (Cash donations towards copies, or copy cards are great too.)

We need people to help run the table on Sept. 19th, from mid-morning till late afternoon. Hopefully we'll have enough volunteers that we'll be able to break it up into short shifts. If you're interested in volunteering you can email me & I'll get back to you on possible times.

Most importantly, we need to create fliers for the table & reproduce zines. If you have a zine that you feel needs reproduced & added to the table, bring it into the Radish. If you have a great idea for a Radish pamphlet, type-paste-paint it up & bring it in.

Besides that, we are currently reorganizing the Radish library, with the aid of 2 new bookshelves which were donated recently. We have tons of events happening in the space as well. You can see all of the events on our calendar. [old calendar link].

We are currently looking for discussion groups & skillshares in the space. If you have a special talent or interest, come in & show it off. (And teach us all!) Anytime that isn't taken on the calendar is usually free.

Thanks for all of your support and help. Without each of you the Radish would not exist. It is the community which allows a community space such as the Radish to thrive in Springfield.

Yours until the system changes,


Missing Post from Aug. 9, 2006 ~ added later
Radish Newsletter
Dear Radishals,

Just an update to let everyone know what is going on in your
friendly neighborhood infoshop. As you all already know, you can
find all the events that are happening at The Radish on the PNO
calendar at [old calendar link]. (Thanks again to PNO for letting us
use their virtual space.)

There are quite a few interesting events this month still, including
a Socrates Cafe Discussion, Community Potlucks, & several film
showings. These, along with all of the other events, are posted
on the PNO calendar. If you would like to schedule an event, just
email us the time & date, as long as it doesn't conflict with any
event on the calendar.

The Radish has also been invited to participate in MSU's
culturefest on Sept. 19th. We need to come up with a theme for
our table. If you have any ideas, please email us, or come to the
organizational meeting on Aug. 17th, at 7 pm.

As always, the Radish appreciates your support in its unwavering
fight for peace, truth, and the abolition of government and
oppression in all forms.

Radish Infoshop

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